Developing large projects with dynamic programming language is a bad idea

Posted on June 1, 2019 by xp
Tags: Programming

I have joined a Canadian company since last year, and currently working on the backend server of a large e-commerce platform. The company is very nice, treats its employees well, and everyone in the company is a pleasure to work with.

How about the toolings and the technology stacks used in the project? Well, I’ll give you a hint: we have developed a giant platform with Ruby and Rails.

I will not go into all the details, but let me just say that, using a dynamic programming language in a large project, with less than desirable development tools, is a bad idea. It might have been great when you had, maybe, five developers when you started. But when you have over a thousand developers, with millions of lines of codes, it never was a good idea, and it will never be.

There are fans who are adamant about the greatness of Ruby and the magic of Rails, but I’m not a person who likes to argue, so I’ll stop my rants here.